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Liste de produits par fabricant Banque de Zambie

Bank of Zambia (Bank of Zambia)

It is necessary to go back to the year 1938 to find the origins of the central bank of Zambia. At that time, Southern Rhodesia Currency Board began its operations with Harare. In 1954, this organization was famous Currency Board of Rhodesia and Nyasaland: its only function was to emit the currency. However, this last was criticized and the creation project of a central bank started to emerge. Bank of Rhodesia and Nyasaland thus was established in 1956 and was in particular charged to set up the monetary policy in all the country. It is then in 1964 that truly the bank of Zambia appeared. The latter aims main aim to maintain the price stability in the country thanks to an effective monetary policy. She also works to support the economic development of the country.

Among the missions which are allotted to the bank of Zambia find the grant of the licenses at the commercial banks and the financial institutions. It is also a question of regulating and of supervising these last in order to guarantee a reliable financial system. This central bank must also supervise the systems of payment of the country so that those are sure and effective. She is finally the financial agent of the government.

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