
Slovakia - 10 Euro silver - 2009 - Aurel Stodola



Slovakia - 10 Euro silver - the 2009 - Aurel Stodola - 150e birthday of the birth - the avers of the coin represents a turbogenerator of this moment, above which is the national symbol of the Slovak Republic. The name of the State, SLOVENSKO, is placed tilted in the left lower part of the coin, with the year 2009 in lower part. The face value of 10 euros is represented under the turboalternator, number 10 is placed horizontally, and the EURO of words in an oblique line is on its line. The mark of workshop of the Currency of Kremnica, MK between two matrices, is on the left edge of the coin. - The reverse shows a portrait of Aurel Stodola in the center of coins. For the line of the portrait is a compass of this time, used in the technical drawings, with its open isolated arms. The name and first name, Aurel Stodola, are placed parallel to the weapons the compasses. On the left lower side of the coin, years of her birth and death 1859 - 1942, appear in two oblique lines. The initial ones of style of the coin originator Miroslav Mr. Ronai are placed close to the lower edge of the coin. - Aurel Stodola (May 10th, 1859 to 1825 December 1942) - professor of university, mathematician, physicist, manufacturer and inventor, is a figure of the world on the theory of the automatic regulation and the scientific bases for the design and the construction of combustion and steam turbines. He is regarded as the father of the steam turbine. He became a recognized expert and asset an excellent reputation as a manufacturer of machines, like a mathematician and a physicist. From 1892, he was qualified schoolteacher, then professor at the Swiss Institute of polytechnic of Zurich, where he chaired the ministry for Machinery Construction. He worked at the school since nearly 40 years. In 1903, it publishes its fundamental work Die Dampfturbinen und die der Aussichten Wärmekraftmaschinen (steam turbines and prospects for the combustion engines). The book is appeared in six editions and was translated into several languages. It treats theory of the automatic regulation of machines and envisaged the era of automation. Many companies scientific world and universities decreed the highest distinctions and scientific ranks to him. La maison du Collectionneur proposes to you to arrange your 2 euro commemorative the stockbooks coins Lindner or the case for 144 coins 2 Euro of Safe.

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